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Abbie on... : Every Monday relationship philosopher Abbie discusses all things love, loss and San Diego.

My San Diego: Where we welcome a guest blogger who tells us all about their San Diego. Wednesdays!

Places I've Been: Every Friday Cutcha tells you about a place she's been. San Diego sites, attractions and fun. She'll tell you about her San Diego.

Monday, October 22, 2007

As you might be able to tell we're pushing back ABBIE day

Tomorrow is relationship day and Abbie will get her feature up. Today became fire day because I watch a lot of CNN. We'll wake up tommorrow and give Ms. Abbie her due. Plus, we're probably going to have a whole relationship day. If there is one thing San Diego is good at (according to most national polls) it's dating and relationships (and having really cute people, well the second most cutest people behind Miami).

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