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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sure it's going to be tough but San Diego will pull through

With an economic BOOM no doubt:

Initial estimates of insured losses in the county fall in a range of $1 billion to $2 billion as many homeowners return to properties to find only slabs, fireplaces and charred remains of their possessions. The fires will disrupt the county economy in the near term, but their thorough destruction points to a local building boom over the next year as burned-out residents rebuild homes with payments from insurers -- a process the region knows well after wildfires
there in 2003 ago consumed 2,600 homes and the local economy rebounded in the
following year.

I say go out and boom the economy tonight. Plenty of opportunity to contribute, it's Halloween after all. (Later you can go home and boom something else but that's between you and the guy dressed up as Amy Winehouse you picked up at some bar, no judgment)

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