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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Was Planning to LiveBlog the Genius that is Carly Smithson (AKA girl with the buzz, according to Simon)

But I have this unspoken deal with my husband that we will watch it together and my husband was asleep at the time so I had to forgo witty and amazing off the cuff commentary for a post-post about last nights show.

Carly Smithson got the coveted last spot position (coincidentally the night before the coveted last spot position was held by Michael Johns, other reported "professional singer who already had record deal and apparently American Idol is all about people who don't have record deals", coincidence? Some are calling these two "the ringers.") and... well the girl has bronchitis. You may not have noticed but she was actually missing from the night before and wasn't there to cheer on the boys (some speculate she was off getting another record deal, and you never know with that girl).

A lot of the girls were supposedly sick, but as Carly (go hometown girl) belted out her tune I've never heard before she muscled through it and even managed to get a little dig in there when she said "sickness is not an excuse."

So there other girls who were walking around with the flu, Carly's a pro (as evidenced by her mic technique, so says Paula Abdul) and you all are just sick little non pros.

Anywho, I'm still voting for her because as we were sitting there watching the performances I looked at my husband and went "wait a minute, who performed before this girl? And what did she sing?"

Simon would call that "forgettable."

And Carly Smithson is the only actual name I remember. Besides "rocker chick girl", which I'm assuming is her name, I know she's a nurse and she's all "original" and stuff. So I guess I could vote for Rocker Chick Girl as well.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just Another Reason We Love The Daily Aztec: San Diego gets a beer pong league and they are right on top of that story

Now, with the addition of a San Diego beer pong league, locals can enjoy playing this wonderful pastime competitively. Anyone lucky enough to walk into McMurphy's Pub on a Wednesday night can witness competitive beer pong.

All the news fit to print. All the stories necessary to read. All the reporters fit to co found a beer pong league.

"This is what I do," he said to a reporter and the SDBP co-founder. "You write articles; you run beer pong tournaments; I make cups."Weisburd said he would like to play other people in what he calls a professional environment.

I saw this guy down the street the other day just KILLING at Beer Pong, can we say "beer pong scout?" Cause I'd make a good one, I live in PB after all.

Minutemen Continue to Fight Over Highway

The San Diego Minutemen are challenging the proposed change in the location of their "adopt a highway" stretch of road. From The New York Times:

The group filed a federal lawsuit earlier this month arguing that the decision violated its constitutional rights to free speech, due process and equal protection under the law. The Minutemen are asking for permission to work at the original site, as well as for the payment of legal fees and $50,000. A hearing is scheduled for March 14 in the United States District Court in San Diego.

Because it's theirs and belongs to them and they should have it cause they saw it first.

It has nothing to do with the fact that it's very near a border station and they are a group of people who fancies themselves freelance border patrol.

And it has nothing to do with the odd symbolism of the whole thing, what with them "picking up trash" on the side of the road near the border patrol where they like to pretend to be the border patrol.

And it's not like they are going to stand on the side of the road in their orange vests and look for immigrants themselves, irregardless of if they are trained to do so, or even if they are targeting ACTUAL illegal immigrants, they're just picking up trash you see.

Really it's about fairness, you dig? They should be able to stand on the side of the road, scan for interlopers, point and yell and generally infringe upon the rights of others, because it's ONLY FAIR. Sure they are really in it to adopt a highway, but they don't want any old highway in East County... they reject you old highway in East County.

But really they are in it for the highway... just not that highway.

Poor east county highway.

My Husband is a Real Estate Appraiser and just explained to me that it's not your house any way, so deal.

"Because they just own the title to it, the Government actually owns the house. Because when you pay taxes you technically can lose the house at any time, the government can take it from you, so you don't actually own it."

So there, people who are peeved because there is some guy walking around San Diego taking pictures of all the houses so that he can create a database of every single house, put it on the internet and let people search through it to see just how pretty houses are in San Diego.

From NBC San Diego:

"The goal is to establish a database of every residential property, actually every property, in the country into a database," said Kevin Allen of Anderson Appraisal Services. "What we want is the picture that's going to best show what this house looks like." It's a database that a company named Zaio plans to sell to real estate appraisers.

And make their jobs just a little bit more comprehensive.

So there, DEAL.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Because Bloggers Like to Blog About What Other Bloggers Are Blogging

A Blogger named Pat Flannery (check out his blog of San Diego here) was thrown out of a new conference because he's a blogger with a big blogging mouth. Apparently he actually exercises his right to free speech via articles and entries addressing what he calls San Diego's growing "police state." And, apparently, there are some people who don't like him.

Hence they throw him out of public places so they don't have to watch him and his dissapproving looks.

After he was thrown out of the news conference where DA Bonnie Dumanis was set to endorse Judge Jan Goldsmith for City Attorney, he went home and blogged about it.

He even has video.

Shanna Schwarze has never heard of this speed dating thing before but she thinks it's hot

She also thinks Sex and the City is the best new show on television, totally original, completely ballsy, and going to change the face of television.

From NBC San Diego: The What's Hot section (not even kidding):

If the bar scene gives you a hang over and feels like a mismatch, you may want to try Speed Dating. The concept is pretty simple: men and women sign up and pay on-line, show up at the designated spot, and have a “date” in a round robin type of way.

And the verdict?

The verdict? Full speed ahead! While it felt a little awkward at first, this event was surprisingly fun and something I’d suggest to other men and women. I even got 3 “matches” out of it!

Next up Shanna moves right on in to 2006 where she will tell you all about this new fangled My Space and it's dating potential (so much better than Friendster).

People are peeved at American Idol and not just because they went and broke the heart of that one homeless kid

But because San Diego's own Carly Smithson (AKA Hennessey) made it to the Top 24 and low and behold she's a "professional singer."


American Idol contestant Carly Smithson had a record deal in 2001 with MCA Records under the name of Carly Hennessy. She produced a CD that only sold about 300 copies, after MCA invested a ton of money in marketing.

Yep, she may be a San Diegan, with a San Diego husband, owner of a San Diego tattoo parlor, bartender at a San Diego bar, but she also once had a record deal that went sour and therefore we should all hate her and send negative thoughts her way.

Or we should just chalk it up to American Idol and it's "controversies."

I don't care either way, if she sold 300 copies or if she's just off the farm in Kentucky. But come on, why don't people just flat out mention or ask her about it? I'm talking to you, reporters over on Sign On San Diego's Street Blog? Don't spoon feed us some kind of "just a girl making her way to the top" tell us the truth.

I'll still vote for her because she's the only one I remember out of the 24, unless you count the other professional singer who they are trying to pass off as just some guy from Australia who none of them have ever heard of before.

Bring back homeless, sporadic British accent kid.

Can we do write ins?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Why the Hiatus?

Oh faithful readers, for shame, for shame, I have been on hiatus in solidarity with the writers strike. But you may or may not have heard, they done reached a deal, so now I can shave the beard I forced my husband to grow and get back down to reporting really important stuff.

(or I was moving, taking care of some things and job interviewing... but I like the writers strike excuse better).

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Say You Want to Freak People Out About How Bad a Conservative McCain is

"None of the candidates are perfect, they never are, but McCain is the least perfect of the viable candidates," Mark Levin, a former senior Reagan administration Justice Department official now a nationally syndicated radio talk show host, wrote on the Web site of the conservative magazine National Review. Levin described McCain as "an intemperate, stubborn individual, much like Hillary Clinton." "Those are not good qualities to have as a president," Levin wrote.

Touche Mr. Levin, touche.

Oh yeah, McCain was in San Diego rallying today. Don't think Mr. Levin was there...

San Diego County Anticipates Taking Forever To Tell You Who Won California Even Though News Outlets Will Probably Have Already Called It

Because news outlets are psychic like that. Be prepared to wait and wait for a final answer (people going to the watch the primary's on TV parties). It's all the Secretary of State's fault, by the way. From KPBS:

Seiler says that is because the Secretary of State de-certified electronic voting machines, and San Diego only has about 100 optical scanners to count the paper ballots.

So they plan to be counting from 8:00pm tonight to 8:00am the next morning. That's A LOT of open bar...

Attendee of Hillary Speech Confirms She Has No Visible Horns or Tail

Cannot confirm if she was or was not wearing Prada.

It's Super Tuesday folks (I'm sure you already knew, as if you randomly got here it was because you probably googled something like "Super Tuesday" and "Hillary" and "Devil Wears Prada" for which I say, WELCOME), so get to stepping to your booth and a votin' for Ron Paul if you took the advice of my father in law and switched parties.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pay no attention to the empty seats behind the curtain...

I had to read through basically the ENTIRE article to get to this quote which for some reason I think is hilarious:

“Obama is arrogant,” said Duffy Fitzpatrick, 54, who brought her young son to see Clinton in San Diego. “My daughter was on his bandwagon until she really started watching him and decided that he was full of himself.”

Just in case you were still on the fence about who to vote for.

Oh yeah, Hillary was all up in San Diego's junk the other day. Although, article is quick to point out:

On closer inspection, the Aztecs’ stadium was not as full as it looked for Clinton. Half the hall was closed off by a black curtain. On the one side were 5,000 cheering supporters - 80% of whom were women, and 100% of whom were Democrats. The good news for Clinton is that her admirers are the rock-solid party loyalists most likely to vote on Tuesday.

Just in case you were there and you were like "Oh man Hillary is so popular, look at how full this stadium is!"

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl

I will be watching it from the comfort of my Husband's Friends' house, complete with homemade beer and panini sandwiches (because, yes, we're yuppie like that).

Perhaps I will get all "bloggy" with it and write a little something about it, or perhaps I'll come home, pass out on the bed and dream of better, non stormy days, where bbq-ing wasn't such a far off idea on Super Bowl Sunday.

Any way you cut it, I'm eating lots of chips tomorrow, calling it a meal.

I suggest you find a nice, comfy space to watch and stay inside as well.