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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Yay Mayor Jerry Sanders!

*Confession* Not that political (but I remember the whole Donna Frye write in campaign thing because I'm cool like that, did you know she has her own Wikipedia entry?). Chalk it up to being in my early 20's in San Diego with really important stuff on my mind, like first dates and the best place to get breakfast after a long night out. But I do know that San Diego has been mired in political and financial controversy and the current Mayor, not so universally adored, or what not (is there any politician who is UNIVERSALLY adored?).

But Mayor Sanders has been surprising lately (what with the whole "oh yeah, I support Gay marriage, deal with it" thing) and now, according to The LA Times, because of the fires, he's GOLDEN.

George Mitrovich, president of the City Club of San Diego, said he's been
disappointed with other aspects of Sanders' performance as mayor but was
impressed with how he became "the face of leadership" during the fire,
calming fears and projecting strength and confidence.

Watch out Arnold, WATCH OUT.

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