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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Apparently the County of San Diego is busy filing lawsuits

They don't want to hand out identification cards to stoners (MEDICINAL users, MEDICINAL) and now they don't want to count votes to determine who actually won the election, at least not by hand, or more than once, or in more than 1 percent of the reporting precincts. From The NC Times:

The county of San Diego sued California Secretary of State Debra Bowen on Friday, alleging that Bowen overstepped her authority in requiring new recount procedures in close races beginning in February. Nicole Winger, a spokeswoman for Bowen, said California law "clearly" gave Bowen the authority to require elections officials to conduct hand recounts of 10 percent of precincts -- to determine if those counts matched electronically scanned results -- when races were close at the end of voting.

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