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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

In a World Where ants will go Vegetarian After They Eat all the Other Bugs

Based on an eight year study of a population of canivorous Argentine ants in the foothills of southeast San Diego scientists discovered that while the ants invade and eat other insects, when that food is gone, the ants become vegetarians. Scientists believe this explains why this species of Ant has been able to survive so well.

The tiny dark-brown and black critters, an invasive species originally from Argentina, have infested coastal communities and displaced native ant species, even though many of the locals are 10 times larger than the Argentinians. Their success is linked to their dietary versatility, according to results detailed in this week's online issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

And after they run out of sap and sweet things? It's human time.

Paging Samuel L. Jackson

Ants on a Plane... coming in 2008.

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