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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

And so starts American Idol in San Diego: Woo.

Yep it's already 14 minutes in but my husband and I have this philosophy that no TV is good TV when you can't fast forward through commercials, so we give it a good 10 minutes before we start watching any show.

Here comes San Diego.

Someone on the internet said Simon is cranky in this episode, because that's a stretch of the imagination. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Randy and Paula will agree and Simon will be offended by that for some reason.

Simon doesn't think the first girl is as good as she thinks she is but she's pretty good.

And now for the sad story build up... hey where are they? Are they at the Four Seasons? Anyway, sad story, single father, provider and he's good! He's good. Thank God. Because last weeks "sad story followed by sad voice" build up just wasn't working for my fragile little heart.

This guy from Los Angeles is breaking it down, no sad story needed. Welcome the white soul singer.

Where are they?!

And now for some bad people. 1. Not from San Diego. 2. Not from San Diego. 3. Not from San Diego. (Did anybody FROM SAN DIEGO come to this thing?)

Valerie will walk down the street and people will think she has Mariah Carey in her pocket but she sets them straight, no, that's not Mariah Carey in my pocket, that's me! She's not from San Diego either.

Where are they?! Seriously, somebody fill me in. Wait they just did, they are at the Rancho Bernardo Inn. Never been there, might have to go there and pretend to be on American Idol.

Hey Monique is from San Diego and even though "three different people dressed her" she's going to sing Whitney Houston and get rejected. You know how you watch the people that keep singing and singing and you think "I'd never be one of those people, I'd just mov on" but then you get in there and you somehow mash two songs together and forget the words and sound like you're gargling water while singing and you end up singing five different songs when they already told you to stop... oh Monique, I feel you.

Her friend didn't make it either. They had to bring out the big guys, the ones who apparently stand off camera and wait for their moment to slink on, look buff and give people the boot. American I, bye bye!

This girl wants Simon because he's mean. Her sister wants to meet Simon, Oprah and Oh-bum-a. Simon has no idea who this Oh-bum-a guy is, but for some reason people want to meet him too. (Oh, it's OBAMA, the guy that's talking crap about Hilary). Oh they are sending her through.
Some people didn't make it.

And now it's time for Alberto from Chula Vista who lives in his imagination (maybe a little too much). My husband says "it's your brother, if he was more of a freak and had really big muppet hair." I'm sure my brother would really appreciate that. He's going to fly, fly free. American Idol, the bald eagle? Really?

Hey it's Balboa Park!

This 16 year old dude is pretty good and Randy is jamming with him. They have to have that young kid in there every year and I think it's him and then they'll spend the rest of the competition telling him he's just too young. "You're just so young, you're young, your'e just that young singer and you act all young and you're young which means you can't possibly win this competition of old people."

Hey, here comes a San Diegan (via Ireland). In season 5 she auditioned in Vegas and got picked to go to Hollywood and her visa paperword messed up her chances, sucks. Paula likes her. Randy is sending her to Hollywood, and Paula loves her and Simon will too. I like her as well, tats and all.

All and all I'm pretty excited about watching this new "are you smarter than a lie detector" show that's coming on. I've seen enough advertisements for it and really want to know if that lady thinks she'll be married to her husband in five years or if that other guy hates fat people. So there you go, making people watch millions of ads for the same new show over and over again really works.

Oh, and the San Diego auditions seemed a little boring, why didn't SD get two hours?! We're a two hour-er if ever there has been one.

Tomorrow night they head to South Carolina...

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