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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lori's Fashion Reaction: And Now Lori Weighs In

We're sliding on in to Spring here people. Welcome to January, where we can see an end to this thing we call winter but everybody else calls "a nice day." Despite our lack of falling snow, San Diego does have it's "winter style", what with the special concentration on pairing winter accessories with our flip flops and short sleeve shirts (brrr, good think I wore my mittens with this sundress!).

Lori's got her fashion reactions ready.

4. The old Scarf and a Tank Top combo:

Believe me, I'm just as excited as the next person to don a winter scarf. They come in so many textures and colors and are an all-around great accessory- but go for cotton rather than wool if it is just SO suffocatingly warm that you must pair the ensemble with a tank top in order to stay cool.

3. Or the Uggs and really short skirt.

UGH to uggs and short skirts- and the latest fashion-UGH spotted this very weekend- uggs with short, short shorts.
2. And nobody can top the skinny jeans with boots.

Skinny jeans and boots should be booted right outta here. i like skinny jeans with flats...but big 'ol pointy boots sticking out are a little too rock star for me

1. All year round flip flops (I am currently sporting this fashion trend AT THIS VERY MOMENT).

As comfortable and airy as flip-flops are, it is actually COLD outside! Get those piggies into some socks. One of the best things about winter in San Diego is that you can sport cozy socks and boots without breaking a sweat.

Don't call it a hodge podge: the Uggs, short skirt, with a scar and a tank top.

Don't for one second think this ensemble doesn't exist. Let's say you are cute beach girl and need to keep warm after your full day of surfing- uggs are acceptable. wrap up in a towel and put on your uggs to prepare for an evening by the fire. Let's say you are going shopping in the dead of winter, and you think, "hmm, my favorite outfit- a short skirt, tanktop and flip-flops- just won't do..." and so you substitute uggs for your flip-flops and add a scarf, instead of, say, sporting more traditional winter wear- sweater, jeans and peacoat. It's cool- you're inventing some form of Southern California winter fashion opposite of the tired East-coast protocol they have perfected...but MUST YOU SHOW SO MUCH SKIN AT ALL TIMES? Is it required? Are you practicing to be a Victoria's Secret model? Do you not know that the opposite sex can find a cuddly sweater just as appealing as a bare mid-drift? That's all.

*Lori does her fashion reactions while multi tasking and she's still spot on. That is all.*

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