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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Voters are switching parties right before the primaries because they want to be able to vote for Ron Paul

Not that it's any of your business (even though I'm sure he'd tell you himself, should you catch him out and about) but my Father in Law told me he went and switched over to the Republican Party just so he could vote for Ron Paul.

He then told me I should do the same.

I mumbled something about remembering that I needed to Google that Ron Paul guy at some point because according to my brother he's supposed to change my whole life but then went back to watching the marathon of Project Runway.

I am a bad, bad, potential Republican infiltrator for the sole purpose of voting for Ron Paul.

You should Google him because everybody says so. And vote, because, you know you want to.

Oh, here's the article about how San Diegans are playing musical chairs with their parties. That's why I started this whole tirade, but Ron Paul man, gets into your mind and it's like "hey, what was I posting about again?"

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