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Abbie on... : Every Monday relationship philosopher Abbie discusses all things love, loss and San Diego.

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Places I've Been: Every Friday Cutcha tells you about a place she's been. San Diego sites, attractions and fun. She'll tell you about her San Diego.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

But Where The Hell Have You Been?

Well you see I've been working, actual for real, reporting to the office daily working. WORKING. We still be po' but I'm working up a storm.

Point is, been anxious to get back to the old San Diego reportage, but haven't been able to find any space between working and LIVING in San Diego to actually do it.

So we're going back to the drawing board. Going to change it up a bit (as promised), adding a taking away a few things.

Will keep all posted as it gets more finalized.

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