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Monday, October 29, 2007

I just made a really bad Hollaback Girl reference for Gwen Stefani but I'm still gonna make fun of these guys

In 2004 Will Ferrell made this diddy of a movie and based it in San Diego. Apparently San Diego was a glutton for a San Diego movie starring a sometimes funny comedian with a penchant for films about guys who think they are super cool but aren't that cool but end up being a bit cooler toward the end of the movie. The point is, in that movie Will Ferrell told us to "Stay Classy."

Yeah, yeah, stay classy San Diego, stay classy.

And then every dude trying to make a cute joke about San Diego decided to tell San Diego to keep there classy-ness.

Including these guys.

Oh yes, and this Halloween stay safe (and classy) San Diego.

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