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Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Neutrality Ends Here

So a bunch of people got drunk and crazy in PB over labor day, the old rich people went "ooo, we have to somehow cure PB (and all beaches) of it's craziness" and the people who enjoy their personal rights to drink on the beach said "um, no thank you."

There's arguments for and against. For being that drinking on the beach just causes problems and riots and against being that drinking on the beach causes problems with the 15 crazy people who cause problems but for the rest of the people it just causes hang overs.

I take the example of my friend "Leo" who lives in San Francisco. He lives in the Tenderloin (if you know NOTHING about the tenderloin check this out) right above a "massage parlor" and walking down the street he gets "Hey Mans" from the guy who can balance on his head on a bottle of Jack Daniels, the very large woman who swears she's Janet Jackson and the coffee shop owner who tells him "nice day for a 10am beer". And he likes it that way.

"It's not the people who live in the tenderloin who are the problem" he tells me "our homeless drug addicts are pretty cool. And the rest of us are artists or students. It's the people who COME to the tenderloin looking for a certain kind of action who get into trouble."

I have a point. The point is this. In PB we like our bars open late and our people chillin at the beach. We like to pop a beer on our patio and carry it out to the sand to watch the sunset. We don't appreciate that guy who bought the huge house and decided NOBODY could sit in front or near it with out getting dirty looks from him. Give us a break, we're mostly students or young couples and we know PB can get a little dirty late at night (and sometimes we find a beer bottle or two in our front yard) but it's not the end of the world, CHILL OUT.

Sometimes people get arrested. Like on Labor Day, which apparently freaked out some people on the city council. And yes, it was a stupid situation with a group of really stupid people. One group... probably visitors. But I like my PB without a bunch of arbitrary rules that don't really do anything but make people sneer at the long arm of the upper crust rich guy who thinks he needs to punish "the kids." Because THINK about it, WHO DIDN'T pour some rum in their coke bottle and carry it around campus on those long walks between parties back in the day?

Party people have brains enough for that one.


As I mentioned before, the City Council held a meeting regarding this very issue. From the Union Tribune:

After two hours of sharply divided arguments from a packed audience, a City Council committee sent a menu of proposed alcohol-ban options to the full council for a future decision.

Options range from Mayor Jerry Sanders' suggestion for an alcohol ban on summer holidays only to Councilman Kevin Faulconer's call for a year-round prohibition on all city beaches, bay shores and coastal parks.

Faulconer's neutrality ended with a
drunken Labor Day melee that resulted in more than a dozen arrests.

You gotta fight for your right...

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