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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

National News Roundup: MSNBC is a little doomsday for my taste

The National News Roundup begins. Seems that they are all about the peril amidst the disaster. Those are the favorite words, peril, disaster. Oh, and "what went wrong" or "what could you have done better" or "who's fault is this?!" (Granted, they usually end by saying something like "it's nobody's fault, blame the wind. Oooooo Global Warming!).

First up, last nights MSNBC headline article! There's no end in sight! Worst disaster ever! WE-CAN'T-STOP-IT! (Uh, sheesh, what a way to tuck me in to bed.)

Unless the shrieking Santa Ana winds subside, and that’s not expected for at least another day, fire crews say they can do little more than try to wait it out and react — tamping out spot fires and chasing ribbons of airborne embers to keep new fires from flaring.

"This is just a terrible disaster; it's going to be one of the worst ever," he said, adding the total destruction would easily be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Santa Ana winds surpassed 100mph so usual tactics of "choking" the fire by surrounding on both sides wasn't working. They expect it to reach the coast before the end.

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