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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Because your supervisor has nothing better to do

From 10News:

Human resource experts said more corporations are setting up task forces to keep tabs on people who habitually call in sick, which means employees who skip work too often are more likely to be caught.

Uh oh. No more "hey didn't you hear about the waves today dude?" wake up calls. Unless...

Some Web sites sell excuses to miss work by offering doctor's notes, jury notices and even funeral programs. The notes run from $5 to $25 on one particular site. "These notes are not very good," said Claudia Schwartz with HR Results of San Diego.

I like Claudia Schwartz, she keeps it real. These notes are not very good, not only could they get you sued by whatever Doctor you are impersonating (so I say, impersonate a FAKE Doctor!) but they could fire you for falsifying a document (so I say, diarrhea. That's not mine, some comedians, but hey, nobody asks for any further explanation). Either way you cut it, Schwartz knows those notes "are not very good."

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