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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

City Council Votes to Crack Down on College Kids Actually Affording Housing in San Diego!

Get this straight young college kids in San Diego, the city council hates you... they don't want you drinking on their beaches and they sure as heck don't want you to actually be able to afford to rent a place. From Fox 6 News:

On Monday night, in a six to two vote, the council passed an ordinance that requires landlords to get a special permit if their home has six or more adult renters.The permit costs one thousand dollars and it has to be renewed every year.Many college area homeowners love the idea. They say they're tired of living next to converted homes filled with students who hold loud, late night parties. "If they want to have eight students living there then let them go out and buy an apartment building. The ordinance is way overdue," said Norma Huhn.

Looks like people in the neighborhood hate you too. Basically everyone hates you. Good luck with that whole "concentrating on learning things" college education, it's time to go out and get yourself a couple jobs so you can afford your apartment complex.

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