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Friday, November 16, 2007

Brenda Xu gets around.

Remember Brenda Xu? She caused a bit of a to do over at Street when her CD received less than stellar reviews. As I recall it was mostly "well, she's kind of acoustic-y with a side of girly and we don't love her, snarky comment, snarky comment." (NOT THAT I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH snarky comments).

There was this diddy: Our advice: Well if you check her MySpace blog, she's already un-quit her day job ...

or this one: Overall: Since he left her all alone (mean boys), she has been writing songs with her guitar.

But it was the responses to said review that made for an interesting entry. We now give a shout out to "Jim" who wrote:

Kyle this is you huh?
Man dude, no wonder why you are out to bash others, look at you, no body, no manly bit about you... You do have small man syndrome to talk down on Ms. Xu as you have...

People were up in arms, music reviewers make no friends.

And Brenda Xu presses on, right to The San Diego Reader who has a nice, fluffy feature on her. Asking her such pressing questions as Mac or PC?

"I use a PC, but I'm getting a Mac for my next computer because they are so damn cute, which is the most important factor to consider when purchasing any kind of technological equipment."

Actually, I think I kind of like her. Press on Brenda, press on. (I am going to listen to your music now, so press works, good, bad, in between.)

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