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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

UCSD Weighs in on the Alcohol Ban

UCSD has (finally) weighed in on the beach alcohol ban currently sweeping the county on its "we're tired of your shinanigans" tour. From UCSD Guardian:

The ordinance will serve its purpose in helping recreate San Diego’s image as a safe, family-friendly town that welcomes all to its calm, sunny beaches. Since the ban is only limited to a one-year trial, it still leaves the door open for future boozing. Although Councilman Kevin Faulconer wished to impose a permanent ban on liquor consumption at local beaches, the compromise of a one-year ban will provide both sides a year full of statistics and interpretations that will yield more definitive answers.

Since the early 1990s, alcohol consumption and parties on local beaches have grown exponentially. Rowdy beach scenes culminated this past Labor Day, when a drunken melee broke out and riot police were required to subdue the intoxicated crowd.
After the dust had settled, 15 people had been arrested — seven of whom were underage — and San Diego was given a tarnished image all over the national media.

I'm assuming this kid is in college? Melee? Really? Why not just call it the hootinanny that it is, tell these youngin's about how you used to walk ten miles IN THE SNOW to get to your liquor parties on the beach! Dag nab it, kids these days with their binge drinking on the shores, makes us look bad in the national media?

What national shows are we watching. I get all my really important news from The View and it wasn't even mentioned by the Godessess Joy or Whoopi.

I digress, you can't drink on the beach, deal.

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