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Monday, December 17, 2007

Abbie On: There are other things to do at the beach besides drink

Abbie: Gives an alcohol free list.
Abbie Berry

Editors Note *Wait a minute there are FIVE other things you can do at the beach besides drink?!*

Let us suspend the fact that it is December and way too cold to hang out at the beach these days and roll with it (December is all about lists after all). Here are 5 things you can do at the beach besides drink.

1. Read “The Time Traveler’s Wife.”
Why? Because it is my favorite book. This is the love story of Henry and Clare, but it is so much more than your typical love story. Henry is genetically impaired and time travels back and forth throughout his own lifetime. His wife Clare happens upon him when she is merely six-years-old and they become friends. She grows up spending quality time with her future husband because he continually arrives in the meadow near her home. The story is told from both points of view. Henry is funny and cynical. Clare is tolerant and loving. Their relationship is not at all normal and holds your attention until the very last chapter. They are currently filming the movie so make sure to read the book before the movie comes out.

2. Make it your mission to meet five new people.
When was the last time you walked up and down the beach introducing yourself to people you didn’t know? Sure, you won’t have beer to offer and they won’t have beer to give you, but why not make a few new friends? Take along your most outgoing pal and walk along the beach. You’ll be surprised to find out that people will want to get to know you as well. San Diego beaches are good like that. You can even make a game out of it with your single friends. See who can get five phone numbers first. I know—sounds immature—but hey, there’s no alcohol involved. Harmless fun!

3. Have a group therapy session.
Call it beach AA, call it whatever you want. Unload all of your stress and worries. Vent to your friends. You’ll be surprised how much this is like hanging out at a bar, throwing a few back.

4. Hold a Wet-T-Shirt Contest.
This one does NOT require alcohol to be fun. Wet white shirts are a good time any time of year. If you haven’t been “exposed” to one of these before, you should see what the fuss is all about. The best contests raise money for charity or award prizes to students. So, if you have willing participants, come up with some goodies for the winners. You’ll need a panel of judges. See how much fun this can be? No beer necessary.

5. Practice your Guitar Hero skills.
Bring your Guitar Hero guitar and your Ipod. Play that rock and practice. Red, green, blue. Strum. Tilt. Repeat. You’ll look funny to everyone that walks by. But you’ll be my “hero.” I’ll play with you. I’ll play Poison, you can play Def Leppard. I love Guitar Hero.

The absence of alcoholic beverages at the beach.

For me.

For you too.

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