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Monday, December 17, 2007

December is all about lists: The Alcohol Ban giveth and the alcohol ban taketh, well it mostly taketh actually....

5 Ways to Survive Your Alcohol Banned Day at the Beach

*So this year, not only did the City Council conquer noise, hotel taxes, and too many people living in a house together but they also banned alcohol on San Diego Beaches. 2008 is gonna be all about... surviving a whole day without alcohol on the beach, what is a Beach Goer to do?!*

4. Garnet Avenue (or any number of easily accessible bar type locations).
Sure the drinks are expensive and the atmosphere can be a little, oh, full of Hills wannabes, but come on, there is alcohol AROUND you, easily accessible, and after enough drinks you won’t even care about the table full of screeching girls or the bar lined with frat guys.

2. The old brown bag/ coke bottle/ water bottle/ whatcha talking about this is just Ice Tea in my Fat Burger To Go Cup, method.
We all learned it in college (all the good ones did any way), the magic of a coke bottle with more rum then coke in it. “You’re coke looks awfully watered down.” “Yeah,” snicker snicker “we’re so smart and sneaky!”

1. Admit that you are powerless over the alcohol ban and head to AA.
Look dude, if you can’t handle an afternoon without the sauce it may be time to face the facts. I’m sorry, denial is always the first stage.

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