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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fat Girl/ Skinny City: The Holiday Season Means Family and lots of Questions About What I'm Going to do With my Life

Fat Girl/ Skinny City: Home for the Holidays
I'm currently not actually IN San Diego, but according to everyone that doesn't mean I can't write a little diddy about heading home for the holidays. Anyway, heading home for the holidays means a lot of family time, the kind of family time where people ask you all about what you plan to do with your life and when you're going to settle down or even how long until you move back home instead of living in "that place where everybody wears bathing suits all day long and they surf and say dude." It has inspired me to continue my foray into the whole December listing phenom here on My San Diego and so I give you: Reasons Why People Live in San Diego Besides The People Who are Always Wearing Bathing Suits and Saying Dude.

The weather. I bet that you didn't see that one coming. Although the weather lately hasn't really been cooperating with our swimsuit wearing life style, the weather is still 10 billion times better than say having to go out at 8 in the morning with your Dad and rake up wet leaves onto the street. Tis better to bundle up and head down to the beach for the day then to bundle up so that you can be comfortable enough to get from the parking spot out in BFE into the mall.

The weather. I can't stress this enough, because weather really does have something to do with mood and how people feel. They have an actual name for it, it's a diagnosed disorder. Having to spend most of your days indoors watching re-runs of The Soup on the E Channel and then accidentally allowing yourself to watch the first 15 minutes of Keeping up with the Kardashians, which thereby causes you to lose 10 or 20 IQ points in the process... well it just causes you to be seasonally affected, trust me.

The weather. Which allows you to sit outside an stare at the ocean, which allows you to dream about better days and summer time which allows you to remember the time you went with your friends down to the beach, popped open a nice can of Dos Equis, stared at the waves and made the groundbreaking observation that "the waves come in, they go out but there is always a new one coming in. Kinda like boys I guess." And then you remember that you can't do that any more, unless you want to show up with your fake belly full of beer, but you still smile because hey, it's the ocean and the weather is great.

The weather. Sure it rains. I love when San Diego-ers head outside and go "man I need my rain gear" for the few misty drops falling from the sky. And then all the drivers get super confused, they start pushing on their breaks for no reason. But it makes them slow down, a lot, and that's just cute also.

Whole Foods. (Yep, it's not the weather). Because there are places on this planet without Whole Foods and it sucks. It sucks major donkey balls.

The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Yes it's not one of the MANY local establishments in San Diego that provide for endless hours of coffee shop going and yes it's just ANOTHER corporate machine but it's a good corporate machine that gives you tasty options that other corporate machine doesn't. And there are places in the world without The Coffee Bean (I heard someone in that other chain that shall remain nameless whispering that The Coffee Bean was recently bought by that other chain, I don't know if it's true, I'm just repeating small town gossip, cause that's what we do).

All those other local reasons that we talk about all the time which are too numerous to mention in one list and therefore I'm not even going to try. (Go Parkhouse Cafe!) Needless to say, San Diego has a million things to do, a million places to go and if you get bored of going to all those original places, there's even a Coffee Bean or Target or Ikea. Even these places, people, are a privilage, not a right.

I'm off to rake some more leaves.

*Cee will return to San Diego late next week. Until then, she's wearing a very thick jacket, selecting deals from the racks at Mervyns, CA.*

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