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Thursday, December 20, 2007

San Diego DUI Lawyer Hands out Tips for Your Drunk Driving Needs

*My San Diego Blog does not condone nor encourage drunk driving, it's a bad deal that leads to badder deals and then all of a sudden you're attacking a helpless Christmas Tree and then you're in jail for 48 days, which is a long longer than 24 hours. But lets just, for the sake of argument, say you find yourself in a car this holiday season, and for some reason you also find that you've perhaps consumed an alcoholic beverage and lets just say that along with that alcoholic beverage you've maybe, just maybe, forgotten how easy it is to call a cab and/or your husband who will be mad at you but not as mad at you as he would be if he say, had to pick you up at the precinct screaming Merry Freaking Christmas. For the sake of argument, San Diego DUI Lawyer has posted these handy "how to get out of jail free, literally" card DUI tips:

Some highlights...

Always be polite, but say to the officer “on the advice of my attorney, I elect not to participate in any San Diego DUI field sobriety tests.”Note that only the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test, the One Leg Stand test, and the Walk and Turn test are considered Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and are approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and are part of the DWI Detection Standardized Field Sobriety Testing Program.

Politely elect NOT to answer any questions during the San Diego DUI investigation, either before or after you are arrested. You must provide the San Diego DUI officer with your driver license, registration, and proof of insurance, but other than that REMAIN SILENT. If the officer asks you if you have been drinking alcohol, simply say “on the advice of my attorney, I choose to exercise my 5th amendment right and remain silent.”

On the advice of my attorney I choose to exercise my right not to tell this one story about my friend...

Like the picture? Yeah, me too.

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