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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fat Girl/ Skinny City: They tell her December is all about lists

Fat Girl/ Skinny City: She's back, with lists!

Word round the water cooler is the December is all about lists, at least on My San Diego Blog and since I've been slacking lately I decided to do a bit of a list a palooza this week.

List a palooza 2007!

5 Answers to the "Cee where you been and why haven't you been writing your article?"

5. Writing final papers.
4. Catching up on reading for my final papers so I could actually write my final papers.
3. Shopping for the Christmas season.
2. Actually really it's just a lot of shopping for me and a few presents for other people here and there.
1. Watching what seems like the endless long Hills Special and feeling really sleazy afterwards because I already KNEW everything (which just means I watch too much Hills).

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Top 5 Things about The Hills 2 hour long "Movie" special that I already knew.

5. Heidi changed. Seriously, the girl went from "hey look at the other blonde chick standing next to (insert main character here) to the "I love Spencer, he's so dreamy" blonde chick standing next to... Spencer.
4. Jason was DRAMA on a stick with a side of crazy. Check the scene where he's all drizunk at the fashion show, spanking Jessica on the butt and then he walks over to Lauren and Heidi, looks at Heidi and goes "you shut up." Ooo, somebody smack him.
3. Stephen disappeared. What happened to that guy?
2. Kristin was blonde too.
1. Lo is still the coolest one of the bunch. Team Lo!
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Top 5 reasons why it's good that wasn't the last episode of the Season for The Hills last night

5. Because NOTHING happened. It was like the "two part cliffhanger" from a few weeks ago on Grey's Anatomy where the biggest question was "Hey, is Seth Green gonna die?" Yeah, yeah, ooo, cliffhanger... So last night, Lauren found out that she's going to Paris with Whitney (who might come back a Princess for some reason?) and Heidi said she needed space and THAT'S ALL.
4. Because poor Audrina was in the episode for three seconds where she told Lauren how happy she was for her and then looked at some newspapers in the apartment during the montage. Poor Audrina, they can't let her end the season like that "ooo, look at these pretty newspapers."
3. Um, can any one say "That's all Brody? That's our big send off?!" Commit damn you!
2. Cause I already heard they were filming in Paris AND that they were "casting" the role of Lauren's Parisian date...
1. Because I sat through the entire after show and listened to those hosts talk (and almost stabbed paperclips into my ears) for the big announcement and short of "Spencer and Lauren got together!" I was going to kick in my television set. So they BETTER give me another episode.
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Top 5 things I've managed to pick up for me while out Holiday shopping:

5. This skirt. Pencil skirts are IN for this winter season, they are everywhere, and SATIN is even better.
4. This dress. Because you can never go wrong with a fun dress, and boots. Even in San Diego you need some boots.
3. This dress. For the office holiday party, but it's loud when you move/walk, so everybody knows when you're coming and going. Still, cute enough.
2. This flat iron. So I'm walking through the mall with my usual "I should have done something with my hair" hair and some girl tries to stop me by saying she really could "do something with that hair" and she was trying to tell me to buy one of her flat irons but instead I took my sad unflat hair to Target and got this one. I like it, and the hair actually looks DONE now (instead of dry and frizzy).
1. A whole lotta this. Alright so I didn't have to go "out" to buy this, instead while writing my numerous genius final papers I picked up a few things because if there is one thing about making the holiday rounds with family, it's having to look your best so people tell you how good you look instead of how tired you look.

Top 5 reasons dating is kinda weird during the holiday season.
5. Everybody is thinking about family.
4. And buying things for people.
3. And going home to visit family and being around family and how families get together to be all family like and then they start thinking about how nice it would be to bring home someone to hang out with and share private jokes while all the other people are having their crazy holiday meltdowns.
2. There's so much other stuff to do, finding time to head out for a coffee is hard and then you start talking about family and presents and how much shopping you have to do.
1. Which makes it a little too easy to fall in to the whole "oh, you're nice maybe we should hang out more cause New Years is just around the corner" trap.

Top 5 ways I'm gonna improve on this article in the new year:

5. There will be more about shopping, fashion and looking your best as a plus size girl. There's a WEALTH of information out there, it's time to look GOOD no matter the size.
4. More information, more often. I actually do go out a lot in San Diego and here I never write about it, so I will.
3. More information about what it's REALLY like in this Southern California town. San Diego gets put in a category with a lot of other *shall remain nameless, ahem, LA* SoCal cities that care more about body composition then they do about having fun.
2. Specllcheck! I promise (I swaer).
1. More pictures, I keep meaning to put pictures in this group of lists, but I'm not going to because it's getting late.

*Cee is back, but is headed out for Christmas very soon, busy holiday season and all.
P.S. We added some pictures for her.*

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