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Monday, January 7, 2008

And We're Back, sort of, a little, if by back you mean borrowing my husband's computer when he's out doing stuff

Still dealing with the complete and total breakdown of my computer, who is apparently upset about current custody issues and/or on drugs and/or on drugs and emotionally disturbed, but it has proven to be an ORDEAL to get up and running again.

What's that you say? Maybe my husband should just relinquish all rights to his very fine, upstanding, easy to use computer?

We've had that discussion. He keeps sighting how he has his "job to do" and "needs a computer to write reports," or something like that.

Um, hello, I need my computer to make lists and report really important things.

Oh well, we will one day be back to the grind.

Until then, we'll call January "sporadic posting month."

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