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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just Another Reason We Love The Daily Aztec: San Diego gets a beer pong league and they are right on top of that story

Now, with the addition of a San Diego beer pong league, locals can enjoy playing this wonderful pastime competitively. Anyone lucky enough to walk into McMurphy's Pub on a Wednesday night can witness competitive beer pong.

All the news fit to print. All the stories necessary to read. All the reporters fit to co found a beer pong league.

"This is what I do," he said to a reporter and the SDBP co-founder. "You write articles; you run beer pong tournaments; I make cups."Weisburd said he would like to play other people in what he calls a professional environment.

I saw this guy down the street the other day just KILLING at Beer Pong, can we say "beer pong scout?" Cause I'd make a good one, I live in PB after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sick!! They have Beer Pong too!!! I'm going to join the San Diego Beer Pong League.