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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Second Life is a game I don't play, I'm still trying to get around to playing The Sims

Welcome to Second Life, where you can be who you want to be, say what you want to say and do what you want to do. If you're Dwight Shrute, you're exactly who you are in real life, except you can fly. From Fox 6 News:

"If you could have a second life, why don't you?" asks Suzanne Aurilio. Aurilio studies "Second Life" at San Diego State University through a grant provided by Qualcomm. "Second life is a 3-D online virtual environment," she explains. Aurilio has three characters or "avatars" that she uses in the online community, which is populated by an increasing number of people in San Diego and across the globe."It's very similar to real life," offers Aurilio. "People own homes, yachts, helicopters," they go to clubs. "You go in there and have a social life. You establish relationships with people, people get married, and now people are having pregnancies. I went to a wedding for the first time."

Now, if Law and Order: Special Victims Unit is to be believed (and we all know that show has it's finger on the button of "what you should be afraid of this week", and Ice-T) people will eventually have to contend with their cyber second life stalkers (well, wait, people who make their online avatars owners of sex clubs who are underage and dance naked for onlookers) becoming real life stalkers, ooooo, forewarned!

For those that are Second Life "whatsa whosits next life?" virgins, you can check out the instructional video up top or here.

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