Now Featuring...

Abbie on... : Every Monday relationship philosopher Abbie discusses all things love, loss and San Diego.

My San Diego: Where we welcome a guest blogger who tells us all about their San Diego. Wednesdays!

Places I've Been: Every Friday Cutcha tells you about a place she's been. San Diego sites, attractions and fun. She'll tell you about her San Diego.

Friday, December 7, 2007

December is all About Lists: A My San Diego Redux

We are always looking for more My San Diego features and 2008 will be no different. Our San Diego is filled with people who have interesting, fun, tasty, and entertaining stories to tell. Take some time to tell us about your San Diego. And learn about others...

This years My San Diego contributors:

Joseph DePuy: Inaugural My San Diego guest. His San Diego is smooth, salty, sensual and full of art.

James Duren: Photographer, Writer, Budding Foodie doesn't live in the Bay Area, he lives here!

Mike Press: Plays Music, likes Santee.

Scott Pactor (AKA Cat Dirt): builds communities, likes music.

Abbie Berry: writes for My San Diego every week (makes good lists).

Bill Ostrie: makes sculptures that I will one day purchase and show off to people to prove how cool I am because I have nice looking art, LOCAL art.

Toni Valdez: Sings, sings, sings with The Fahl Guyz.

Maebeth Turner: wrote a book!

Jen Benabou: is also making art that I plan to buy someday when this blogging thing TAKES OFF and I make millions of bajillions of dollars and want to look arty.

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