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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh, ho, ho really San Diego County who is suing because they think this whole voting thing is unfair.

So Secretary of State Debra Bowen, you thought you could make San Diego County work toward fair, balanced and accurate elections? Think again!

From the Associated Press:

San Diego County election officials say about 175 computer chips meant to power machines that will tally ballots in February's presidential primary disappeared after they were shipped from state offices in Sacramento. Registrar Deborah Seiler says the cardboard tubes that were supposed to contain the chips arrived empty on Monday. The chips only work in the optical scanners used to count paper ballots. The manufacturer says the chips can be quickly replaced. Seiler says she won't use the missing computer chips if they are recovered because of security concerns. The Sacramento Sheriff's Department and California Highway Patrol are investigating.

Take that Secretary of State Debra Bowen, a wrench in your plans! This will teach you to mess with Captain Chaos and his sidekick General Disarray!

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