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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December is all about lists: The City Council Hates You...

Wow, the city council sure has been busy this year making sure that we know what the rules are, putting those rules in writing and taking it out on those things they just don't like in their fine city. So, say it with me: "The City Council hates you..."

8. Tourists
7. Babies
6. People who don't want to recycle
5. College kids (and poor people) who can barely afford to live here any way.
4. Drunk people (but they only hate you for a year, SO FAR).
3. Loud people and consequently the police who have to do all the paper work for loud people.
2. Seals (okay not really, this one should actually say "picking sides" because they seem to refuse to pick sides on this one).
1. Homophobia

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